Lab Members

About the MGH/HST Martinos Center

The Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital is one of the world’s premier research centers devoted to development and application of advanced biomedical imaging technologies. Our mission is to advance imaging in healthcare through technology development, translational research and education.

Located on the MGH Research Campus in Charlestown, the Center is home to roughly 100 faculty researchers and more than 200 affiliated and visiting faculty, postdoctoral research fellows and graduate students, who use advanced imaging technologies both separately and in concert to investigate a broad range of biologically and medically important questions.

For more information, please go to

Principal Investigator

David Salat

Associate Professor in Radiology, Harvard Medical School

Assistant Neuroscientist, Massachusetts General Hospital 

PhD Behavioral Neuroscience, Oregon Health and Science University

David’s research examines structural and functional changes in the brain with aging and age-associated neurodegenerative disease. A primary focus of this work is to determine how the common decline in vascular health with advancing age contributes to neurodegenerative changes, cognitive attenuation and the development of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Through these studies, we hope to advance procedures for the clinical utilization of imaging technology in the diagnosis, characterization and tracking of neurodegenerative disease as well as towards advancing understanding of the pathological mechanisms that cause dementia.

Lab Members

John Jacoby, MS, BS

Research Technician

Sarah Mellen, BS

Clinical Research Coordinator

Courtney Accorsi, BS

Clinical Research Coordinator

Lauren Antonucci, BA

Clinical Research Coordinator II

Tatiana Sitnikova, PhD

Co-Principal Investigator

Tatiana completed her doctoral training in neuroscience and brain pathology at Tufts University and her post-doctoral training in clinical…Read More

Marziye Eshghi, PhD

Principal Investigator

Dr. Eshghi holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics from University of Tehran and a PhD in Speech and Hearing Sciences from the…Read More

Barnaly Rashid, PhD

Research Fellow in Neurology

Barnaly received her PhD in Electrical Engineering with a focus on signal processing…Read More

Ikbeom Jang, PhD

Research Fellow

Ikbeom is interested in developing biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases and…Read More

Nikou Damestani, PhD

Research Fellow

Nikou is a postdoctoral research fellow specializing in MRI physics and…Read More

Katherine Maina, BA

Project Coordinator

Katherine received a BA in Neuroscience specializing in cellular and molecular neuroscience from the…Read More

Shrikanth Yadav, MS

Data Analyst

Shrikanth received his Master of Science degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering with a…Read More


Binyin Li M.D.& B.Sc.

BSc, Psychology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

MD, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

Binyin is a neurologist since 2013 in Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University…Read More

Zhuonan Wang

PET/CT Center

The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University

Zhuonan Wang received a Ph.D. in Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine from Xi’an Jiaotong…Read More

Kim Stephens

Research Technician

Kim is a research technician in the lab who contributes to study visits, brain scanning and image…Read More

Chanmie Kim

Post-doctorate Research Fellow

Chan-Mi is interested in identifying initial brain changes caused by neurodegenerative…Read More

Joost Riphagen

Graduate Student/Research Fellow

Joost is a visiting researcher working on a PhD thesis on vascular contributions to neurodegeneration. This…Read More

Fridien Nana Tchoukoua

Research Coordinator

While in college, Fridien interned in the BAnD lab as a research assistant. Now, he is a…Read More

Olivia Hatch

Clinical Research Coordinator

Olivia helps to facilitate and support the BAnD lab’s research studies. She enjoys…Read More

Kathryn Yochim

Clinical Research Coordinator

Kathryn contributes to the lab’s research studies through the facilitation of study visits and…Read More

Jasmine Wilder

Senior Clinical Research Coordinator/Program Manager

Jasmine received a BA in Psychology from Boston University. Her primary role is leading a…Read More


Clinical Research Coordinator

Rachel organizes all aspects of the lab’s research studies and enjoys getting to know our wonderful…Read More

Emma Boyd

Research Technician

Emma was an undergraduate intern to the clinical research coordinator in the BAnD lab….Read More

Emily Lindemer

Graduate Student

Emily works on automatic segmentation procedures for white matter lesions to be included in…Read More

Juliette Selb


Instructor in Radiology, Harvard Medical School

Assistant in Neuroscience, Massachusetts General Hospital 

PhD, Université de Paris XI, 2002…Read More

Wan-Yu Chuang

Visiting student

My current research focuses on structural connectivity change affected by white matter…Read More

Mahanand Belathur Suresh

Visiting Faculty

Mahanand’s research focuses on employing machine learning algorithms to detect…Read More

Jean-Philippe Coutu

Research Fellow

Multispectral Image Analysis of Age-associated Brain Pathology Contributing to Cognitive…Read More

Artur Coutinho

Post-Doc Research Fellow

Artur’s primary research interest is functional and structural imaging changes in aging…Read More

Alison Goldblatt

Clinical Research Coordinator

Alison organized all aspects of the lab’s research studies. She is now pursuing a PhD in Clinical…Read More

Natalie Wheeler

Clinical Research Coordinator

Natalie is Clinical Research Coordinator and helps support the BaND lab studies. She graduated from…Read More

Gabriele Gassner, BS

Research Fellow/Medical Student

Gabriele received her BS in Psychology from the University of Wuerzburg, Germany, in 2015, where she…Read More

Christa Michel, BS

Research Technician

Christa received her B.S. in Neuroscience from Boston College in 2022. As an undergraduate student, her…Read More

Allison Lovely, BA

Senior Clinical Research Coordinator

Allison received a BA in Psychology with a concentration in Behavioral Neuroscience and a minor in…Read More

Casey Howard, BS

Clinical Research Coordinator II

Casey works on multiple studies in the lab, including the Human Connectome Aging Project…Read More

Emily Valencia, BA

Clinical Research Coordinator II

Emily received her Bachelor of Arts in Neurobiology and Psychology and a minor in German from…Read More


The BANDLAB at Massachusetts General Hospital is affiliated with the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging and VA Boston Medical Center. Below is a list of partnering labs and research collaborators.

Martinos affiliated

Meher R. Juttukonda, PhD
Phoebe Chan, PhD
Jonathan Polimeni, PhD
Steven Stufflebeam, MD
Tatiana Sitnikova, PhD

MGH Neurology

Diana Rosas, MD

Sue Imbriglio

Steven Greenberg

Laboratory for Computational Neuroimaging

Bruce Fischl, PhD

Douglas Greve, PhD

Allison Stevens-Player

Martin Reuter, PhD

Ender Konukoglu, PhD

The Optics Division

Juliette Selb, PhD

MEG Core Laboratory

Seppo Alfors, PhD

Boston VA Medical Center

Elizabeth Leritz, PhD